Short videos about vaccinations in Queensland

Immunisation in Queensland

In Australia, certain vaccines are recommended for children, adolescents and adults according to the National Immunisation Program schedule. The vaccines recommended in Australia may be different to the vaccines used in other countries. If you have had vaccines before you came to Australia, you may need other vaccines to catch-up with the Australian schedule.

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closed captions icon Duration 03:35

Vaccines for babies and children

In Australia, vaccination is recommended for children at birth, 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months of age and again at 4 years of age.

All children from 6 months of age should also have the flu vaccine each year. The flu vaccine is free in Queensland for children aged from 6 months to less than 5 years. All vaccinations should be recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

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closed captions icon Duration 04:38

Vaccines for adolescents (teenagers)

Certain vaccines are recommended for adolescents in Queensland. This includes some boosters for childhood vaccines.

Adolescents in Year 7 and Year 10 can get free vaccinations through the Queensland School Immunisation Program. If an adolescent in your family has missed vaccinations or does not have an immunisation record, your doctor can plan a ‘catch-up schedule’ for them. All vaccinations are recorded on the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).

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closed captions icon Duration 03:57

Vaccines for adults

In Australia, there are some vaccines recommended and provided for free to adults. These include vaccines for women during pregnancy, for people with some medical conditions, and for people older than 65 years.

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closed captions icon Duration 03:13